General Conference thoughts: Turn to the Lord

by Bishop W. Christopher Waddell

Another one that fit the ‘how to find peace today’ formula.  There are no new answers in any of them only reminders.  The only way to find peace in our world today is to seek Jesus Christ and focus on God.It’s no surprise for anyone that life has a way of not turning out as planned all the time.  Life’s plan B is something I am well acquainted with and have mentioned several times on this little blog.  Bishop Waddell reminds us we cannot control everything that happens to us but we can control how we respond.

Our best option rings remarkably familiar known as “primary answers.”  Those answers we learn during our primary years before we turn twelve.  No hidden solution here.

Peace, even in our day and age and with life’s twists and turns, is still available and offered.  Look to the Lord and live! (Alma 33:19-22)

Turn to the Lord

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