Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness month. While I have written a few posts already addressing the importance of maintaining a healthy mental health level, I feel one more will not overpopulate the subject matter. It is important to actually be aware of this issue. I am not an expert of any kind and my opinions should be viewed as that – simply opinions. With that in mind, here we go.

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The secret of 2P

I just realized that title might make you think I am going to share some kind of secret about toilet paper. Like, how to get it for cheap. Not to disappoint you but my posts are never that useful. I mean, if I knew how to live a thrifty life I would be sharing my know-how. Trust me. No, my posts are never that real world helpful. Instead, I am going to share about how two things govern our behavior and interaction with other people. I’m talking about perception and projection.

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There ain’t no ‘shipper like a tv couple ‘shipper

Stories and plays have entertained us for centuries. With a story comes characters. Fictional characters written on page, embodied by actors, but which our imaginations breathe life into. Because there is this intertwining or collaborative effort of a story between storyteller and audience, elements of the story may look a bit different for the two. Sure, the storyteller may have created a character but it is the audience member that gives the character life. And once an audience member gives a character life, they gain ownership to do with it as they please. Apparently.

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I have a new book of poetry that I need to publish. It will be called The Accidental Poet volume II. Basically it is a collection of my poetry since my last poetry book came out several years ago. This one took a little longer to fill since I cut my poetry posts from twice a week to once a week. I guess you could say it took twice as long to fill, you know, if you were good at math or some strange thing like that.

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Two Ways

I wrote a book. A small, tiny book. So, I called it a children’s book. I used a bigger font to meet the minimum page requirement. Initially, because it was a children’s book, I wanted illustrations to accompany it. But, if you know me at all, I am not an artist. Since none of my books have actually made me any money, I finally decided to just go ahead and self-publish it. Only after it was published and I received a copy of it did I have someone from the target audience read it. I insisted on her honest review and after a little coaxing she gave me what I wanted. She did not like the story.

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